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[ Our Story ]

Disrupt The Disorder

Sometimes a global pandemic can put things in perspective. In November 2020 I decided to step out on faith and embark on a new business venture. I started with organizing close family and friends’ homes using up-cycled furniture and goodwill finds (something I have always enjoyed doing in my own home). Within just a few months things took off.
Something that started as a small business idea of doing something that I loved turned into a full-fledged business. I had to quickly bring on my childhood best friend (Maura) and sister (Nakita). It’s crazy to think that I started off organizing small closets and am now doing full renovations and whole home interior design. I have an extreme passion for what I do and believe that everyone deserves a functional & beautiful space that they can call home. You can’t quantify what it does for one’s mental health and wellbeing. I enjoy being able to provide what most consider to be a luxury service to the everyday folk.

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[ Interior Designer ]


[ Interior Designer ]


[ Interior Designer ]